Funded by SDRPY and Implemented by Yemeni SFD, Establishment of 4 Educational Projects in Yemen Continues.

09 اكتوبر 2023

Funded by the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) and implemented by the Yemeni Social Fund for Development (SFD), four educational projects are currently underway in the governorates of Shabwa, Abyan, Lahj, and Al-Dhalee in Yemen.
These educational projects consist of the establishment of four schools in different districts. Firstly, the Nissab School in the Nissab District of Shabwa Governorate. Secondly, the late Dr. Alawi Najeeb School for Basic and Secondary Education in Khanfar District of Abyan Governorate. Thirdly, the late Mohamed Ahmed Najib School for Basic and Secondary Education in Al-Musaimeer District of Lahj Governorate. And finally, the Al-Hamzah Secondary School in Al-Dhalee Governorate.
SDRPY has contributed to the education sector in Yemen through 52 developmental projects and initiatives. Among these are the establishment of 31 model schools and gifted student centers. These schools are equipped with science labs, computer labs, and sports fields for various sports. Additionally, they provide necessary furniture such as tables, desks, and school supplies.
SDRPY has made significant efforts to provide educational opportunities for both male and female students. They have worked towards creating a comprehensive and stimulating educational environment, ensuring inclusive and safe access to education, supporting extracurricular activities, and fostering innovation and creativity.
In total, SDRPY has executed 229 development projects and initiatives across various Yemeni governorates, serving the Yemeni people in seven key sectors: education, healthcare, water, energy, transportation, agriculture, and fisheries. These efforts have also included capacity-building for government institutions and the implementation of various development programs.