Admission Tests Begin at Talented Complex in Marib Ahead of Educational Program Launch.

12 اغسطس 2024

The competition and admission tests were launched at the Talented Complex in Marib Governorate. The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) established the complex as part of its development projects. The main aim is to enhance education and learning opportunities and raise the efficiency of educational institutions in Yemen. The Deputy Minister of Education in Yemen, Dr. Ali Al-Abab, was present during the launch.
The admission tests are in preparation for the educational process at the complex. The goal is to provide a stimulating environment that supports [the distinguished and creative individuals and enables the use of technology in the educational process while covering areas of excellence and creativity in all fields.
Establishing the Talented Complex has provided a suitable environment for developing creative minds, enabling young people to excel and innovate, and supporting development, research, and innovation. The complex includes advanced facilities such as scientific laboratories, chemistry and computer laboratories, and sports fields.
SDRPY has been leading the provision of multiple development projects and initiatives supporting Yemen's essential sectors, particularly the education sector.
These initiatives include establishing model schools, supporting universities, building colleges and institutes, developing educational facilities, equipping laboratories, and funding school transportation projects. Such comprehensive efforts aim to improve the quality of education and practical skills, create a stimulating educational environment for male and female students, and activate innovation and creativity in the educational field.