SDRPY-Supported Forensic Evidence Training Course Begins at University of Aden.

29 May 2024

A comprehensive training course on forensic evidence techniques has begun at the University of Aden's Faculty of Law, aiming to enhance capabilities in forensic evidence and contribute to improved outcomes and maximizing benefits.
Running from May 28 to June 11, the course is part of the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) support package for the University of Aden, launched in March.
The package includes the preparation of 28 laboratories, including the forensic laboratory at the Faculty of Law.
The course, supported by SDRPY, integrates both educational and practical aspects and is divided into six modules in the field of forensic evidence. It offers participants a comprehensive journey on the role of modern technologies in guiding and supporting forensic investigations.
SDRPY is implementing 229 projects and development initiatives across various Yemeni governorates, serving the Yemeni people in eight essential and vital sectors: education, health, water, energy, transport, agriculture and fisheries, capacity building and support for the Yemeni government, and developmental programs.