Project and Initiative
The Cost of the Projects in the Sector
Project of providing Marib streets with lighting by providing 100 single poles and 264 double poles powered by solar energy
Providing oil derivatives for the daily operation of power plants in Aden Governorate
Construction of gas power plant
Establishing electric medium voltage networks
Project of providing electrical power to operate the surgery rooms and intensive care units at Al Ghaydah Hospital.
Project of providing Al Boqee land entry-exit point with electrical power.
Project of increasing the production capacity of electrical energy for Al Ghaydah power plant.
Project of providing Al Boqee land entry-exit point with 176 solar-powered lighting poles.
Project of providing electrical energy to operate the Nujd Health Center.
Project of rehabilitation of the electricity network of Al-Sada neighborhood and Al-Souq neighborhood in Al Ghaydah District.
Providing oil derivatives (diesel) for the daily operation of power plants in Al Mahrah Governorate