Abdulrahman’s battle for survival took a hopeful turn!

Abdulrahman, a bright elementary school student, underwent a terrifying ordeal when medical neglect led to kidney failure. His deteriorating health affected his way of living, including his school performance. Despite initial recovery, his health deteriorated again in 2018 due to insufficient medical care. With toxins accumulating in his body and specialized treatment equipment no longer operational in Aden, Abdulrahman slipped into a coma.
A glimmer of hope emerged when SDRPY launched a program to equip the dialysis center at the Republican Hospital. With the presence of state-of-the-art equipment, Abdulrahman's battle for survival took a hopeful turn. His health gradually improved, and he is on his way toward full recovery. We at SDRPY wish Abdulrahman a speedy recovery and anticipate his return to school soon, where his bright future awaits.