Darah Team Visits Shibam City in Yemen, Discusses Heritage and Cultural Projects.

26 Dec 2023

Team from the King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives (Darah) visited Shibam in Yemen as part of a collaborative effort with the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY).
The visit aims to contribute to the preservation of the rich heritage of this ancient city.
During the visit, the team reviewed documentation methods for traditional arts, architecture, decorations, and crafts.
The team also discussed diverse heritage and cultural projects, covering skills development through training, the creation of a commemorative publication about the city, and the establishment of a library dedicated to history, heritage, and traditional arts.
Moreover, the team visited the Al-Ahgaf Manuscripts Library, examining and studying its requirements to ensure the preservation of the documents and manuscripts it holds.
Darah is a crucial partner of SDRPY, a program operating under a comprehensive developmental agreement between the governments of Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
With the program to digitize, process, and restore Yemeni documents and manuscripts. The initiative also seeks to enhance the capacities of specialized Yemeni professionals in preserving these valuable historical resources, thereby safeguarding the country’s history.
Shibam is a historic town situated in the Hadhramaut Governorate in eastern Yemen. Dating back to the 16th century AD, it is a walled city that stands as one of the oldest and most well-preserved examples of precise urban organization, characterized by the principle of vertical construction.