Solar Powered Projects Launched in 3 Yemeni Governorates.

12 Nov 2023

As part of the "Using Renewable Energy to Improve the Quality of Life in Yemen" project, the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY), the Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND), and the Sela Foundation for Development have inaugurated 133 housing lighting systems and 20 public utilities operational systems (primary schools, secondary schools, health centers) powered by solar energy in the governorates of Hadhramaut, Taiz and Hodeidah, to the benefit of 2,950 individuals.
The project contributes to meeting the electricity needs of health and educational facilities, operating medical equipment, and providing a suitable learning environment.
It includes rehabilitating 12 drinking water wells, providing 35 agricultural irrigation systems powered by solar energy, providing energy to 20 educational and health facilities, and delivering renewable energy to 133 homes in five Yemeni governorates: Hadhramaut, Abyan, Lahj, Taiz and Hodeidah, to the benefit of over 62,000 Yemenis.
It also entails holding training courses for engineers on the use of solar energy systems. This project contributes significantly to solving certain problems, such as water shortages.