SDRPY Convenes YPG Meeting to Bolster Yemen's Development

05 Sep 2024

The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) hosted a meeting of the Yemen Partners Group (YPG), with the participation of United Nations (UN), international, and donor organizations focused on Yemen. The event underscores Saudi Arabia's leading role in supporting and developing Yemen, reflecting its history of generous contributions to various countries worldwide.

Meeting participants discussed the latest development and humanitarian issues.
Attendees included UN secretary-general's Special Envoy to Yemen Hans Grundberg; EU Ambassador to Yemen Gabriel Munuera Vinals; UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen David Gressly; World Bank Country Director for Yemen Tania Meyer; Chargé d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Yemen Shao Zheng; SDRPY Assistant General Supervisor Eng. Hassan Al-Attas; Director of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) office in Yemen Kimberlee Bell; Advisor to the Yemeni prime minister Ambassador Mujib Othman; and the UNDP representative in Yemen, Zina Ali Ahmed. Also present were a representative of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), Fahad Al-Shammari, along with several ambassadors and diplomats.

UN Yemen envoy Grundberg highlighted how the world body has supported Yemen for 60 years, working on development, humanitarian, and political issues. He also presented the latest humanitarian and development updates. The UNDP's contribution included an update on their Voluntary National Review (VNR), while the World Bank provided an update on the economic situation in Yemen. The European Union indicated its support for the mechanism to support peace efforts in Yemen.

Eng. Hassan Al-Attas stated that SDRPY has become an important and leading partner in contributing to and supporting development and stability in Yemen. "The program has been able to contribute to supporting eight essential sectors and has implemented more than 200 development projects and initiatives in various Yemeni governorates. The latest of these was the provision of five vital projects last week in Taiz Governorate," he said.

“In addition to its role in engaging in development work with international, regional, and local organizations, and involving civil-society organizations and the private sector, SDRPY aims to contribute to achieving comprehensive and sustainable development throughout the Republic of Yemen, under the leadership of the Yemeni government,” Al-Attas said.

The Yemeni side highlighted the government-led development plan, which revolves around several key tracks aimed at restoring stability, strengthening state institutions, combating corruption, and promoting accountability and transparency within all state institutions. Additionally, it emphasizes implementing financial and administrative reforms to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations.

These tracks constitute a comprehensive approach to rebuilding and strengthening the state while fostering strategic relationships and coordinating efforts with the international community based on mutual interests.
The YPG meeting aims to enhance coordination between humanitarian, development, and peace operations, as well as coordination among donors. It also seeks to align development priorities and strengthen cooperation in Yemen's development under the leadership of the Yemeni government.
This hosting is an extension of the decades-long journey of development support for the Republic of Yemen and a push for members' efforts toward further work and overcoming obstacles to peace and development efforts in Yemen, led by the Yemeni government.
SDRPY has provided development projects and initiatives in the essential sectors of education, health, water, energy, transportation, agriculture and fisheries, capacity building and support for the Yemeni government, and development programs, across 14 Yemeni governorates.